Welcome to K's Journal!


Hi everyone!

My name is K, and I'm a second year university student studying secondary education. Admittedly, this past year at Uni, I seemed to hit rock bottom. Without divulging too many details, I was essentially at a point where I was behaving in reckless and damaging ways under the excuse that "I'm young and I wanna enjoy being young". I would dedicate so much time to meaningless activities and prioritized short term enjoyment over long term growth. By the end of it all, I felt dumber, weaker, insecure, and honestly pretty worthless overall. The bright side of it all, though, is that I've finally been able to step back and acknoweldge that I have to work towards genuine, permanent growth.

A couple years ago, an old friend introduced me to Neocities. I created a small site with no audience, and I quickly lost interest in the project. I viewed coding as an obstical that stood between me and what I actually wanted to do: writing. This time around I want to use Neocities as an opportunity to learn. This website is a small project for me to track my reflections, self improvement journey, thoughts on modern education, and more. The site looks quite simple right now--I'm very much a beginner coder--but I hope to advance it along the way. Feel free to check out any of the links in the navigation bar on the lefthand side, and I hope you enjoy your time on my site!
